Artificial Intelligence
Leveraging data through artificial intelligence
If your business has data, you probably already know that there is untapped potential in that data. At Seamgen, our passion is helping our partners find ways to maximize the value they bring to their customers. One of the ways we do this is by leveraging the power of Artificial Intelligence. We have some of the world’s leading AI scientists available to provide solutions for our clients’ business needs. With technologies including machine learning, natural language processing, and predictive analytics, we help our clients more effectively utilize their data and discover ways to more efficiently serve their customers and improve user experience.
Leading AI Company
Our dedicated team of data scientists will work with you to analyze and identify opportunities within your data, or help to create an automated system that can learn from your data set or stream of data. Collecting data is cheaper and easier than ever before, but finding value in the data collected remains hard. We can leverage our experience with diverse data sources to help discover the elusive needles in your haystack. Our team of experts will take into account not only the analysis of your data, but also the experience of your users as we build the tools your business needs. Solutions we provide can be broadly categorized into the following two areas:

Machine learning broadly describes a field of study within computer science that tackles problems iteratively. Writing algorithms to solve some problems can be difficult or impossible, but it can be possible to provide feedback to a system when it does a better or worse job solving the problem. Using this feedback loop, machine learning systems develop the ability to analyze data in ways they were not directly programmed to do. Over time, these evolutions can become quite complex to the point of closely modeling organic learning.

Predictive analytics may use machine learning or other techniques to recognize patterns in data. Sometimes data is analyzed to search for expected patterns or to answer well understood questions; sometimes data is analyzed to determine whether there is useful information in a complex, difficult to understand data set. Predictive analytics can be used to forecast problems or better plan strategies to gain a competitive advantage. Predictive analytics can transform your historical data into a crystal ball that will help you succeed in digital product development.
Predicting Weather in Space
Our scientists developed a system for predicting dangerous conditions in space, like solar winds, to help protect satellites from harm. The available data came from different sources, contained numerous variables, and were based on events that ranged in frequency from a few seconds to several hours. The data was noisy, poorly aligned and categorized, and contained numerous gaps. In short: a hard problem. Harder still was the requirement for 90% accuracy in predictions. Nonetheless, our engineers were able to apply proprietary time series analysis techniques to create a working model of predictions with the required accuracy.
How AI Software can work for your business
Data is becoming the world’s most valuable resource, and knowing how to leverage it can open many new opportunities for your business. Using our ai software techniques, we will work with you to uncover insights from newly found patterns, while automating business systems and processes along the way.
Untold numbers of AI and machine learning applications are waiting to be written. Let us create them with you.
Contact us to learn how we can identify opportunities to put artificial intelligence to work for you.